At the first sight of male organ spots, dots or bumps, most men are naturally alarmed – easy to understand, since most have been educated enough in male organ health matters to know that serious problems like infectious diseases and cancer may be characterized by these symptoms.

On the other hand, most male organ bumps have nothing to do with either of these, and in some cases, they are nothing more than natural variations in skin texture. Being aware of the possible causes and understanding the best approach to male organ skin care can help men to keep things in perspective and to know when help is really needed.

Help! What’s that spot?

The following signs and symptoms can help men to decipher what could be going on and whether they should be worried. In any case, a trip to the doctor can help to alleviate any concerns, or to get a treatment regimen started if warranted.

According to an article published on Netdoctor, male organ spots can generally be classified as ulcers, papules or plaques, which are characterized as follows:

·        Ulcers – open craters in the skin that may contain a clear liquid; they may form a crust over the top. Ulcers are fairly uncommon and can be serious in some instances. Communicable diseases such as HSV, as well as certain tropical diseases, can cause ulcers on the shaft and head of the male organ skin. A single ulcer may also be a sign of cancer. Men who develop ulcers on the male organ should seek medical attention at the earliest opportunity and abstain from intimacy until they have a firm diagnosis and treatment plan.

·        Papules – small, raised bumps or dots that are less than one centimeter in diameter. These can be caused by viral conditions such as molluscum contagiosum (which may appear elsewhere on the body as well); infected follicles; HPV (pelvic warts); or a benign condition known as pearly papules, which are simply a ring of raised bumps around the crown of the male organ that do not require any medical intervention and are not contagious.

·        Plaques – larger raised bumps (greater than 1 cm in diameter) are rarely a sign of a serious problem. They are often related to eczema, balanitis – an inflammatory condition of the male organ head – or to autoimmune issues such as psoriasis. A raised male organ plaque with a red, velvety surface that does not itch could be an early indication of cancer and should be checked by a doctor.

Treating the male organ skin right

The first line of defense against disease is, of course, practicing safe relations by always using protection and avoiding skipping between partners. Keeping it clean can also help to eliminate the source of many types of infection, although this is not a sure way to protect against infectious disease.

Furthermore, as most men know, women will eagerly spend hundreds, if not thousands, on skin care products to keep their dermal tissue young-looking, supple, smooth and glowing. While men may shake their heads at this, the truth is that caring for the skin properly really can prevent problems such as early signs of aging; dry, roughened, unattractive skin; and unsightly growths, bumps and other blemishes.

Men might not have the same concerns about crow’s feet or a sagging jaw-line, but the same principles apply to the male organ. Vitamins and natural moisturizers play a big role in skin health, and investing in a high-quality male organ health cream  (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can pay off in large dividends. Keeping the skin soft and smooth can help to preserve male organ sensation, while nourishing the male tissue with essential vitamins and antioxidants can help to fight off disease, prevent infection, stave off unpleasant odors, and help to replace unsightly bumps and blemishes with healthy, responsive new skin.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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