Alpha lipoic acid may not be a well-known nutrient the likes of vitamin C or calcium, but it is still a heavy hitter in the health department.  Alpha lipoic acid has many health advantages, perhaps the most surprising of which involve the male organ.  Unfortunately, many men overlook the manhood in their daily health care regimen; however, proper male organ care is an essential component of a man’s overall well-being.  A simple routine that includes daily use of a nutrient creme containing alpha lipoic acid, along with other essential vitamins and minerals, can not only rejuvenate the skin of the male organ, but improves its overall health, which in turn may translate to an improvement in sensual performance. 

What is Alpha Lipoic Acid?

Found naturally in the cells of the body, alpha lipoic acid is a fatty acid that the body needs to covert glucose into energy, helping the body function at a high level.  It is also a powerful antioxidant that works to eliminate chemicals and other harmful agents known as free radicals from the body. 

In addition to being made by the body, alpha lipoic acid can also be found in small amounts in certain foods including broccoli, spinach, peas, Brussels sprouts, organ meats, brewer’s yeast, and rice bran.  Though maintaining a healthy diet is important, it is not always possible to get all vital nutrients from food alone, thus a supplement is a good option for certain vitamins and minerals.  Alpha lipoic acid can be taken in capsule form, or for maximum manhood benefits, absorbed directly through the skin when applied in creme form.

How does Alpha Lipoic Acid benefit the male organ?

1)    Relations drive:  Alpha lipoic acid helps to fuel the body through the production of energy; one outlet for energy that many men enjoy is intimacy.  Thus, alpha lipoic acid may provide the happy benefit of increased stamina and energy, allowing for a longer romp in the hay.

2)    Protects an aging male organ:  As men age, the male organ becomes more susceptible to injury due to decreased elasticity of the skin and tissue.  Peyronie’s disease, a condition in which scar tissue and plaque build up on the shaft of the male organ, causes painful bends and arcs in a firm male organ.  While the condition is most common in older men, it can appear in men of any age in a slow, gradual onset, or virtually overnight, as in the case of an impact injury.  Alpha lipoic acid may help in the prevention of the plaque build up and eventual hardening of the manhood tissue, making it a key element in any man’s male organ care regimen.

3)    Improves the appearance of the male organ:  It is common knowledge that as the human body ages, so to does the skin.  Wrinkled skin is an inevitability of old age, and the skin of the male organ is no more immune than any other part of the body.  Alpha lipoic acid, having antioxidant properties, helps attack free radicals that damage the cells of the body.  Harmful free radicals not only contribute to more serious diseases such as cancer, they are also primarily responsible for premature aging and wrinkles.  

Caring for the male organ with alpha lipoic acid

To achieve maximum benefits of alpha lipoic acid, direct absorption into the skin of the male organ is recommended.  Oral supplements, while beneficial, may not be absorbed into the body fully.  Topical application, such as in creme form, allows the user to target specific areas of concern like the male organ, ensuring the powerful benefits of the ingredients are not lost.  A male organ nutrient creme (most experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil) contains alpha lipoic acid, in addition to other vital nutrients, which helps to nourish dry, unhealthy male organ skin and restore it to its original, youthful luster.  Not only will the skin take on a better appearance and feel silky smooth, the correct combination of nutrients can help make the male organ more sensitive to touch, thereby enhancing the sensation and pleasure of even the simplest touch.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit:  John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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