HUMAN TRAFFICKING……FACTS                  


 Human trafficking as one of the most serious organized crime.

India occupies a unique  position in this illicit trade because it works as the source,transit and destination for the crime “It is therefore both a supplier and a consumer of this trade and differentiates human trafficking in India from other countries”

Human Trafficking  not only involves sex and labor but also trafficked for ‘organ harvesting’. The black market for human organs is a booming business in India.Driven by ‘Medical tourism’ the practice of coming to India for major surgeries at a lower price.Demand is high for children’s eyes, hearts and  kidneys.Demand is also high for child labor with kids forced into slavery at homes and factories.

Another sicking avenue for human trafficking is the ‘sex trade’. Human traffickers often use a Sudanese phrase “use a slave to catch slaves” meaning traffickers send “broken –in girls” to recruit younger girls into the trade.

An estimated 30,000 victims of sex trafficking die each year from abuse,disease ,torture and neglect.Eighty percent of those sold into sexual slavery are under the age of 24 and some are as young as six years. There are an estimated 27 million adults and 13 million children around the world who are victims of Human trafficking.

EMPOWER PEOPLE is an NGO in India working to protect female victims of violence and mitigate post-violence trauma. EMPOWER PEOPLE  is one of the pioneer organization focusing on the issue of Human Trafficking  for the purpose of forced marriage.

This article is to be followed by another  related issue of ‘Human Trafficking globally' shortly.



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