Are you a Smurf? Better hope not!

Posted by Cheryl Baumgartner
1185 Pageviews

There is a little known term in the banking industry called 'Smurfing', you had better hope that you are not one.  To put it simply Smurfing is a term used in money laundering.  It's when criminal enterprises either gather or create a group of disconnected individuals to put criminal profits into the legitimate banking system.

These individuals put large amounts of dirty money into circulation in small amounts so that the origins of the money is obscured.

Now the problem with smurfing is that it is illegal, in the US the penalties can be fines, up to five years in prison or both.  Yep Smurfs can go to jail in the US.

Now there is a certain program circulating here on APSense, I don't have to tell anyone what it is.  affiliatemoney has many times told people to do the math, but obviously people can't or won't do so so I will do it for you.

This program pays you $50 to sign up($50 in fake no value 'money'), t then pays you $5 for each referral and $20 per day for being active.  So let?s say you sign up for this program. You now have $50 free money in your account.  You want that money so for the next 30 days you are active that's $650 now in your account.  You find five people just as greedy for free money as you.  That?s $775 in your account.  Woo hoo you are getting rich aren't you?  Lets say those five you signed up do the exact same thing.  That is a total $3875 accrued in the five accounts each account having a total of $775.

Now this is the point that you have to actually use your brain.  The money in your account is not legal tender, it has no value.  How does this no value funny money suddenly gain value?  It?s not being printed out of thin air.  There has to be cash or valuable assets backing it if you can withdraw it and spend it.  Where is the cash and or assets coming from?  You don't know because you have no contact information on the 'company' that developed this program, but you can safely assume that it is coming from somewhere.

Could that money be coming from a reputable source? Yeah it could but it could just as easily be coming from any one of these sources:

Drug Trafficking

Murder for Hire


Illegal Gambling

Arms Dealing


Identity Theft

Human Trafficking

The list goes on and on.