I learned something interesting today while doing research for a writing gig. Actually, there are two interesting things, but let's do one at a time:
1) In Reykjavik, Iceland there is a Phallological Museum that proudly exhibits over two hundred eighty penises and penile parts that once belonged to Icelandic mammals. Indeed! Who is/was responsible for this brain-fart?
And get this: "It should be noted that the museum has also been fortunate enough to receive  legally-certified gift tokens for four specimens belonging to Homo Sapiens." Imagine? I want to know who, when and most importantly, why someone would opt to donate their "private collection" to a museum for all to see. Were they that proud of themselves? I would venture to say that the donation was inspired either by self-love, self-hatred or the fifteen minutes of fame syndrome.
What puzzles me is this: "In addition to the biological section of the museum, visitors can view the collection of about three hundred artistic oddments and other practical utensils related to the museum´s chosen theme."  What are they getting at? “…artistic oddments and other practical utensils?” 
Such as? The mind boggles.
2) I've often wondered why monkeys fling poop.  After much research, I've discovered the answer:
"Because they can."
As you can see, it's been a HUGE day in the world of susanwritesprecise.

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