Testimonials for APSense Insider and APSense Guide Pro

Posted by Philippe Moisan
1651 Pageviews
The members mentioned have all given me permission to use their comments as testimonials.

"Philippe Moisan's works are always something extraordinary with helping & guiding for every body !!!"
- Sbadvt, Insider

"Can you say "Overdeliver"? Phillipe is the man!His e-book and newsletter are a must have for anyone serious about networking at APSense."
- Grateful Don, Insider

About the APSense Guide Pro (feedback in email):
"I purchased your Pro edition of APSense this morning. It's just what I was looking for to navigate around this site. Thanks for the suggestion."
- Lynne Elliot Richards, about the APSense Guide Pro

Comments in articles
In the newsletter emails, the main thing I give is a link to an article I have written in the past. See 2 of the comments I received from subscribers for an article I had written in November:

"This is what we should always do in Apsense community! You're ideas are brilliant, Philippe Moisan. Keep up your good work ;)"
- Faris

Hi Philippe, I pulled this from your news letter. It was the best move I made this year. The tips are very helpful and your news letter is excellent! Looking forward to the future!!!
- Dons Everythingelse biz


All those comments after launching the APSense Insider newsletter 2 weeks ago.