I have tried many different url shortners for various reasons. If you want to cut to the chase and see the review of my favorite url shortner i am saving that one for last and you can scroll down to the last paragraph. At first i would use just the google url shortner. Google shortner was quick easy and short and well you could get some stats out of it. As far as gaining any leverage with it was the key componenent that was missing. 

The next url shortner i thought i would give a try is adfly. What adfly does is offer a advertisement to be seen 1st before showing my idea. Not exacxtly a great way to share something. You earn money each time this is shown however not a great way to promote your own programs. The person has to click something for the ad to disappear so they can see your url. Ideally i think if your looking to advertise with adfly it would be more ideal.

The next 3 url shortners i really like have certain advantages over the first 2 shortners. Ibo toolbox shortner. I like what this does. IBO puts you 1st! Shows a picture of you in top right corner, shows your blog posts on ibo, shows your videos and likes on IBO. You have the flexability to add options like join ibo opt in so you get sign up on ibo that you can use towards credits for website promotion within ibo which is a great way to get your message out there. IBO i have found is a wonderful place where others share each others information on the social networks like no other.

Cash in on banners url shortner is a great way to get referrals. I love the system as you can build a down-line of sites and you pick your favorite banners to be seen. The way the system is designed it guarantees that your banners will be clicked on by new members. Also if you upgrade for a one time fee of ten dollars as a direct payment to your upline you can receive these payments as well and get your banners seen on even more sites.  I love the cash in on banners url shorter though they have a 10 shrink limit shame because i would use more of it if i could.

The apsense url shortner is sleek looking as well it will show your articles a picture of you and some recent members that have visited your page. If somebody joins apsense they will be in your social network and recruit 5 you get an upgraded membership on apsense that will give you lots of free credits to use towards website promotion. You can meet some great contacts inside of the apsense business social network.

Finally i have saved the best for last i like viralurl the most to shrink my links and to track them. The viral ad bar takes up very little space smaller than the other ones so this does not get in the way of my message every-time it is seen it builds me credits that i can use towards a email blast of targeted marketers. Also i can get up to date stats on what is happening with the url. The big kicker is this is a passive way to build up a huge downline as people join viral url they join your downline up to 7 levels. You can earn over $70 dollars every-time somebody upgrades. And people have good reasons to upgrade. I certainly found it worthwhile to upgrade as i get to send out 30 thousand emails per month for ever! 


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