Paula is doing copy and paste jobs! Huh?

Posted by Paula van Dun
875 Pageviews

Don't worry, i am not copy/pasting articles, email messages or blogs.

No I made lists of keywords and keyword phrases and short text ads to use in text ad services, traffic exchanges and tweets. 

It is a boring and annoying job, but it will save me a lot of time. In stead of typing them in every time I can just copy/paste the ads. For tweets I am adding different url cloaker links. There are services where you can earn many free ad displays. These are pop-up ads in the footer or peel ads in the upper right corner. They are highly distracting. This is why I don't use those in traffic exchanges much.

However a tweet is clicked if there already is an interest. The click will generate credits in the cloaker program to show these distracting popups on other sites than my own. When people do not sign up for the program I tweeted, they might sign up for the claoker program which gives me even more advertising.
It is a way of getting loads of free adverting without putting much time in.
You can read more and find resources in this article.

Of course  I have programs I promote more than others. For those I make more than one text message.

By the way you can use the APSense url shortner advanced/text ad also. You can ad an extra ad in the top bar which also shows the url shortner logo which can get you referrals in APsense. Do not use this feauture in traffic exchanges because it breaks frames. I use those them in tweets and sometimes in article or blog links.