
Jogging is a popular form of exercise and recreation in which a person runs at a steady, moderate pace.  The actual pace depends on the individual’s ability, but it should be one at which the jogger can talk without becoming breathless.  Since the mid-1960’s millions of people all over the world have started to jog.  The popularity of jogging stems from its health-giving benefits and its simplicity.  The only equipment needed is loose clothing and cushioned, well-fitting, flexible shoes. 

Jogging builds and maintains physical fitness by improving the function of the circulatory and respiratory systems.  It strengthens leg muscles and aids in weight control.  Jogging also helps relieve mental stress and provides an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.

To obtain the full benefits of jogging, an individual should develop a programme that includes at least three jogs of 3 kilometers every week.  An inexperienced jogger should start with short distances and gradually  work up to 3 kilometers or more.  At first, brisk walking may be substituted for periods of jogging.  People more than 33 years old should have a complete medical examination before starting a jogging programme.

The World Book

Exercise Marketing

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