How sweet it is, to reach the point in life when the most important thing I have to consider is when my next nap is going to be. I woke up at 5AM today and it's 7:10 right now, so it should be light enough to take my Chihuahua out for her morning duties when I finish this post, then we can snuggle up on the couch for a quick snooze. That should last me until about 3PM when we can do it again and if I'm lucky, I won't fall asleep watching TV later on.

I have no idea how healthy this habit is, but it feels so good I don't really care. There is just something about an hour snooze that makes it even better than a good nights sleep for me. Even a quickie snooze where you close your eyes sitting up can be refreshing.

How about you, how long is a good nap?

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