Today the internet is loaded with places to advertise your business whether it is online or offline. But think about this how many of them are worth the time of day?


The more websites are made the more online advertising businesses will emerge. I read a story in a business magazine about online (PPC) businesses and it was said that 90% of those PPC businesses are fraud.

Fraud what does the word means in Advertising terms?

it's simple you pay and get no results most of them use rebots to click on your website.


Good places to advertise your business in 2011 is where people have gotton results in the past. Also keep in mind that just because Joe got results selling his weightloss cookies you going to get the same results selling your laptop  tips and tricks software at the same advertsing business.

I wIll name a cuple of places I am using but there are many others that will get results.


This one for great for Targeted Advertising for your products and business

Targeted Traffic


This one is great for getting leads for your business opportunity!


Real Opportunity Seekers


This one is for advertising to mobile devices(ie) Cell Phones, Lap Tops


Mobile Advertising


Again there is a lot of good places to advertsie your business!


Do yourself a favor do your home work and search the web for different places to advertise before you spend any money.


And yes Traffic Exchanges are a great place to promote your business in 2011 you just have to take time and click the day away if you use free traffic exchanges.


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