Hello my fellow Apsense family!

I need everyone to stop what you doing right now and understand what I am staying here it's very important to your online success!


TE (Traffic Exchange) Wasted Advertising is real and it's financial sickness that crippling millions of online advertisers.

Why do I say this one main reason as I visited numerous TE's I see nothing but dead links coming up for one main reason you quit the program before you could get any leads or sales from the website you was promoting on the TE website.


When you place a website whether a affiliate business or your own distributor site make sure your link is active until the add is finish running.


Here a couple of good tips to follow if you want to be successful online!


1.Don't quit before you get started

2. Don't use a signup page for your ad link why if it's https type of page your page isn't going to come up since it's a secure page.

3. Don't promote Spams at all.

4.If you not sure what to do Ask some one here Don't be afraid to Ask for Help



Read these other Articles:


Total Marketing Tools Anyone



Good Places to Promote & Advertise in 2011



Remember your prospects can't join your business or buy your so called worlds best product if your link come up saying this:WEBPAGE CANNOT BE VIEWED or Page CANNOT BE FOUND when your link is shown.

The Choice is All Yours!


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