Most prospects rarely 'buy' on the initial exposure.  There are a few "I'll buy anythings" that will but for the most part, it takes multiple exposures for them to actually commit.  Which brings us to the follow up.  How do you follow up?  When should you follow up?  Well that depends on you and what you are trying to accomplish but no matter what your goal, follow up is a must.

Many people think follow up is simply slamming the prospect with another ad, but it is not.  Good follow up is the building of a relationship with that prospect or client while exposing them.  So how do you follow up?  These are some tips that work for me.

1. Always ask the prospect if they would mind if you keep them informed.  This creates an opening for you to contact them with updates and new information.   You are not slamming them with ads but helping them to stay aware of what is going on.

2. Find out as much about that prospect as possible and make note of it.  Are they a parent?  Do they enjoy certain hobbies? What is their birthday or anniversary?  All Of this information help you build a personal relationship with that client and can help you time your follow ups.

3. Use holidays and special occasions as a reason to say hello.  If you know a client has a birthday, contact them to say happy birthday.  That prospect knows you see them as more than just another sale.

4. Stay in their thoughts but don't hound them to death.  I like to 'drip' on prospects.  Every month or so I will send them one short bit of information.  You don't have to constantly hound them week after week.

5. "Continue to follow up until they buy or die." Okay that one came from a sales training CD called Spin Selling.  Prospects buy when the time is right for them, not you.  It could be months or even years down the line.  If you stop following up with them you will miss that moment.  I can't tell you how many times I have picked up sales on a primed prospect because the initial contact simply stopped following up.  You don't want to do the work for someone else to capitalize on your efforts.

These are not hard and fast rules, they are what works for me.  Everyone has to figure out what works for them.  I can tell you what will not work-constantly pushing ad after ad on your prospects and calling it 'exposure'.   You are telling that prospect that they are nothing more than a dollar sign with legs-and they know it!

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