Hello there!

After spending some time surfing the internet, you may have noticed the basic difference between programs which sell you an opportunity of making a fortune by making the program owner an even greater fortune and not much else for you in return.

The other kind of programs, which offer you the opportunity of discovery how real value gets created through the process of applied learning and the advancement of human intellect, are unfortunately not as popular.

When people deal with the question of what's a good way to earn money, they seldom see the enormous potential value in learning not only the physical skills of making their own web pages, blogs and membership sites, but also how to underline some important social and political messages which will help people pose some highly critical, but also enormously constructive questions which may ultimately advance their grasp and understanding of  the differences between a primarily manipulative and exploitative mindset and developing a critical mind of their own which seeks to create greater good through an open discourse of the facts that much of what we have to deal with every day, is nothing more than mind pollution.

The internet is getting more amazing by the day - we are at a point now where we can use a

to help each other gain a new perspective on how much more we can gain from our intellectual development by adding these highly critical and enormously valuable messages to the way we do business online.

Franto in Toronto

PS: Watch this video and post your comment below ... 


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