Dofollow or no Nofollow is a tech term to describe attribution on links that point away from the blog. This mean, the blog owner tells the search engine follow or not to follow the links point to any other websites. If you are on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) marketing and want to improve your search engine result, you have to give weight on this subject to get good result on your link building effort. They could explore huge traffic to your blog if done properly. Guys better prepared a cup of coffee, as this post will be a bit longer :). We are going to drill to bottom of Dofollow or No Follow to discover the advantages and disadvantages.

So Why Some Blogs Prefer Nofollow?

There's nothing wrong with getting Nofollow links. While Do follow blogs are obviously getting people's attention, one shouldn't totally ignore Nofollow blogs for few reasons as below:

a) Because it doesn't look natural with Google if every link is from a do follow blog.

b) Paid Links: This is recommended by Google. If you have a paid link on your site, it?s essentially buying a higher rank in Google. You can get punished by google by doing so.

c) Maybe in your blog?s comment section to guard spammers (Wordpress by default ist Nofollow). It is up to you if you want your commentators to get link juice back to their site.

In fact, you'll want to get an equal amount of them as well. While they don't pass on link juice, they do help associate your site with anchor text that pointing to your site. They also increase the exposure of your site overall. Read from Google webmaster page what is Nofollow and why it was created

Scary Part Of Dofollow If Never Edit Your Blog Comments.
Video Matt Cutts from Google.

Please Click Here To Watch The Video

Why Dofollow?

If you?re like me, you want people to comment on your blog posts. You want more of an interactive community. That?s what blogging is all about ? community, relationships, and user created content. But, how do you encourage people to comment on your blog posts? You reward them by give them an outgoing link to their website when they make a quality comment on your blog. You also allow the search engine to follow that link to their website by using the Dofollow attribute. No doubt there will be spammers who try to take advantage of your generosity. If you have a blog you probably are already getting comment spam, I am sure you do. There are many free spam block plugin like akismet, sparm karma do outstanding job of filtering out spam comments.

If you do comment on others blog take some time to think of thought provoking questions. Do what it takes to grab people?s attention! Lure people to interact and you can lead some to your link. But make sure your comment have a value information or question and be HONEST!

You also should remember that only the first link pointing to a site counts. Posting more than one hyperlink on the same page to the same source won't help in any way. So don?t  put more than 1 hyperlink in your comments.

Dofollow  On Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

DoFollow links become the "Holy Grail" of SEO, who seek them out as expensive collections to their off-site optimization repertoire. Search engine endorsed your blog when your links at all over on internet, the more links you have the better your page rank is. That is the same reason why turn spammers at your blog. But you also should understand and know dos and don'ts of LINK BUILDING

Maybe this video could decide what is your perception on Dofollow and Nofollow attribute.

Please Click Here To Watch The Video

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