Good afternoon fellow marketers!

If you are not ranking very well on Google then the chances are likely that your site could use a bit of tweeking.

These tools can be extremely useful in your SEO research, optimizing your web pages, or estimating your competitors.

These Free tools compliments of


Site Information Tool

This tool allows you to view domain whois information, Google PR, Alexa rank, Server response and other useful data.
Site information Tool

Search Engine Update Monitor

Do you want to know when Google, Yahoo or MSN have made significant changes to their ranking algorithms? Our tool will show you the stats!
Search Engine Update Monitor

Paid Links Detector

This tool will detect paid links, placed with automatic link trading/selling systems such as Text Link Ads, Receive Links and other.
Paid Links Detector

Google Pagerank Checker

This tool provide you the opportunity to bulk check Google PR (pagerank) of specific pages (up to a 20 addresses).
Google pagerank checker

Adsense Preview Tool

Going to participate in Google Adsense program and want to see what kind of Adsense ads will be displayed on your web site? Here is the tool! You can also enter keywords you are interested in and this tool will show you the ads assigned for these keywords.
Adsense Preview Tool

DoFollow Blogs Search Engine

Find the blogs without nofollow tag in the comment links (with DoFollow plugin installed).
DoFollow Blogs Search Engine

Keyword Density Analyzer (my favorite)

Resolve the most often used keywords on your or your competitors' pages. This online tool will show you the title, meta keywords, meta description information, and most popular keywords statistics.
Keyword Density Analyzer

HTML Code Obfuscator

Encode your mailto: links to prevent from harvesting by spammers. With this online tool you can encode any arbitrary html code as well.
HTML Code Obfuscator

HTML Encoder

Encode your HTML replacing reserved html characters with HTML entities.
HTML Encoder

Browser Checker

Check that information your browser passes to the server while requesting web pages.
Browser Checker

Online .htpasswd generator

Generate .htpasswd file used for restricting access to files and folders under Apache environment.
Online .htpasswd Generator

Have Fun & Good Luck!


For more useful tools and tips, visit:

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