Many marketers are in a rush to build their business. Some of the things they do destroy their credibility. Be careful not to hurt your business.

Here are some of the things that you should avoid if you look for long term success.

Misleading terms
Headlines with words like "Brand new". In Internet Marketing, brand new is 24 hours ago. Calling a site "Brand new" in your headline when it's been around for 6 months won't help your credibility.

Of course, some people will be attracted by such words in your headline. They will post positive comments to get some attention, to encourage you. Or simply to get credits for writing something. Serious marketers won't take you seriously, though.

In my case, if I see the words "Brand new" and the name of a site I've been part of for 6 months, I will be tempted to post something saying, "it's not brand new". But instead, I won't comment and will consider that the person didn't work hard enough.

Dates in your ads
Be careful when you put dates in your ad headline or subtext. If you're saying "just launched" and write "October 14" in the subtext, it shows you don't do much follow up on your campaigns, or you don't work hard enough on finding words that will get attention. By the way, this is not an something I came up with, I saw it today.

Lots of grammatical errors in your RevPages
Creating a RevPage is not about setting a world record for the fastest way to put it out. You will lose the credits that you use to promote it. Reread it. Even when you're at step 4, you can go back and correct mistakes.

Sections that end in the middle of a word
I've seen some "About" sections, even some blog titles, that ended right in the middle of a word. Many times, we can guess what you want to say, but for my part, I wouldn't trust you with writing content for me. Blogs and RevPages can be edited. Preview how it looks like before clicking on the "Promote it" link.

I hope this blog helps you to not hurt your business.

Philippe Moisan

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