The Grandma Factor

Posted by Warren Contreras
439 Pageviews
I was chatting on Skype with an old friend that has made buckets of cash online for many years and he showed me a page he set up helping people to pick a business to get started in. It was a series of videos very well laid out, but one hit me like a ton of bricks.

It had to do with how you FEEL about any business you are doing or planning to start. But even more to the point, a universal concept that should be applied in EVERY scenario without fail. He called it The Grandma Factor.

It simply states, if the business you are looking at or participating in right now were devoid of any compensation at all, would you let your grandmother buy from it without feeling like she could ever get hurt?

Remember she is living on Social Security and can't afford to squander a dime, but would you lead her in that direction? Does she run the risk of never getting a single referral and ending up holding an empty bag, or will she get full value from her experience as a customer?

Think this over and if your business in question can't pass the Grandma Factor test, you should drop it like a hot potato as fast as you can.

Hmmmmmmm . . .