October 29, 2010,

Interesting Information and Stats Regarding Apsense:

I will keep this Blog up to date for the latest stats and changes that have taken place as it occurs.  We have a mission here at APSense and that is to increase our ranking on a daily base.  One simple step at a time..

We are now Under 5,000 rankings on Alexa

This information l will share with all the members comes directly from the main source of Ranking Web-Sites on the internet, most of you have heard of Alexa Traffic.
The article proves to us that we are very serious of where and how far we can all take Apsense if we all work smart as a team and develop the correct approach with all our blogs, articles and everything else we do here at Apsense.

We are currently working on some features that will enhance our imagine and Rankings on the internet the higher we Rank the more we all make by being part of this "TEAM CONCEPT" will show cases these features very soon.

This is the actual article posted on Alexa Traffic Ranking

Apsense.com has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 5,080 as of November 22, 2010 While the site is ranked #3,197 in the US, where we estimate that 31% of its visitors are located, it is also popular in South Africa, where it is ranked #1,152. Relative to the overall population of internet users, this site's users tend to browse from home, and they are disproportionately women over the age of 35 who are not college graduates. Visitors to Apsense.com view an average of 12.5 unique pages per day. Visitors to it spend about eleven minutes per visit to the site and 38 seconds per page view.

If you would like to learn more about this report and study it and see how we are performing on a regular base you can go directly to the site review all the stats.  Once you study these stats you can definitely use them for your own benefits.  What l mean by this you will know how to attach the most popular key words to the blogs and articles you write, this will provide with a possible (SERP) for that page.


Alexa Ranking as of May 24, 2011...............3,980ranked

Traffic in the US as of May 24, 2011..............2,525ranked

Sites Linking In to APSense as of, May 24, 2011.........937

All The Best,

Joseph F. Botelho

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