I was just given the green light to inform you of a great new silent feature that was added to APSense last night by Wincer.

The reason I say silent is because this feature does not require you to do anything that you have not already been, but is will bring you rewards.

It is an additional way to help you build your team, list or followers here in APSense much faster.

Ok, I know you are salivating and want to know what it is, right?

Drum roll please, it is a popup recruitment page. But do not get the wrong idea about pop up. I just used that term for lack of a better one.

I guess the best way to explain it is the same way Wincer explained it to me. First log out of APSense. Once loged out scroll to any members user name, even your own, and click it. See what "pops" out.

Why is this important?

Well Wincer has our interest at heart and has been diligently working on a member directory. Except that this directory is not for you and me, it is a directory fine tuned and specifically for the search engines. So that each of our individual user names and everything linked to and associated it with it here on Apsense will be ranked in the search engines. Talk about back links!

For those of you that are into stats, you should check out and monitor APSense stats on Alexa:
  • Alexa Traffic Rank: 5,325
  • United States Flag Traffic Rank in US: 3,925
  • Sites Linking In: 472
Wincer is on a personal, professional mission to get APSense to be listed in top 80 in global social networking sites,  and in top 10 business networking sites.

If he accomplishes hie mission, and there is no reason to doubt that he won't, do you realize what that will mean to your business?

Everyone fortunate enough to be associated with APSense is going to reap some tremendous benefits. I am not a gambling man, but I would make an educated guess that those of us that have upgraded our membership here  at APSense will reap the most out of this concentrated effort.

Next time you get a moment, give Wincer and his team a shout out. I'm sure he would appreciate it.

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