It"��s common to see a distressed woman walk into Ageless Remedies and say "��I thought I was over this when I turned 19"��. Her second round of acne breakouts had started a year ago and she was turning 43. Acne affects nearly 90% of teens and 50% of adult women, in America. While it is not curable, acne breakouts are preventable and treatable.

The common belief that acne breakouts are caused by nervousness, excessive sweating or diets is untrue. There is a natural rejuvenating process, which keeps our skin soft and healthy. We produce sebum oil, which travels up through our pores to the surface. However, at unique times, hormonal changes cause our bodies to overproduce this sebaceous fluid. The oil is produced faster than the surface skin naturally exfoliates. Dead cells, rather than being sloughed off, begin to clog the top of the pore. The extra dead cells produce a plug. Acnes bacterium begins to grow at the base of the clogged pore, and in about two weeks, the area becomes red, swollen and painful.

The answer is to keep the pores open.

While various acne treatments have attempted to control hormones or dermal infections, keeping the pore unclogged prevents the breakout. Ageless Remedies offers the revolutionary ISOLAZ acne treatment as the premiere service for acne. Introduced in 2007, this innovative acne treatment incorporates vacuum with light therapy. The pain free ISOLAZ actually vacuums the pore clear of oil and debris. Simultaneously, it targets the acne area with a broad-spectrum light beam, which kills the bacteria causing the infection and pain.

The effects are immediate, happening within 24-48 hours. The skin clears, the redness lightens and the swelling begins to soften. The results are equally beneficial in teens or adults. The services are done in a series of 4 to 6 acne treatments. This is necessary to keep the pores open and eliminate the remaining bacteria. The patient needs to "��get ahead"�� of the infection before a home care regimen can be solely effective.

ABC"��s "��Good Morning America"�� featured dermatologist Dr. Doris Day, recently, talking about the skin rejuvenation effects of the ISOLAZ.

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