Dear colleague Marketer,

Long before he became a successful online marketer, 

George Kosch was a jet pilot in the Canadian Military. 

As a Captain, he flew jets and taught students how to fly high 

performance aircraft. 

So, how did he go from flying to co-founding and operating an international 

online business that has now paid out over 10 million in commission to our affiliates? 

For a limited time he is giving away his 100+ pages of EXACTLY how to DO Affiliate Marketing.

Some topics included in his book:

- Extra Things to Look for When Choosing Affiliate Products

- How to Incentivize Your Mailing List Correctly

- Understanding the Importance of Your Value Proposition

- How to Write Subject Lines That Get Read

- Should You Use Pop-Overs to Get More Subscribers


>>>>>>>>> Includes Videos and Membership Package at NO Cost <<<<<<<<

Yours In Success,

Phil Corneau 




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