Why Are People Allergic To Hard Work

Posted by Toshiba Burton
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Why Do You Think People Are So Allergic To Hard Work?

 Do you wake up at 6:30 am or before work throughout the day and notice before the day is over you are still working on your daily tasks?

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Or are you still sitting around waiting on that big fat inheritance from that long, lost relative that you haven't seen or talked to in years?

Do you realize that most people are extremely lazy when it comes to hard work? I really love listening to the ones that say they want to make a ton of money or become rich and wealthy but are only prepared to do 5 minutes worth of work.

They refuse to make the necessary changes by that's needed to build a better lifestyle for themselves. Anytime you are working towards something that's valuable to you then you have to be willing to let go of a lot of things, you also have to be ready to read, study and learn on a consistent basis.

You basically need to be prepared to work hard and go through the struggles until you build yourself up. If you are one of many that's not willing to do this then you can look forward to keeping your 9 to 5 job and hopefully you will be able to retire within the next 30 to 35 years.

But who knows what your Social Security Benefits will amount up to by then especially with today's recession. It's affecting us everywhere we go because it involves everything we do on a daily basis.

Do you feel like it?s normal to work hard to earn income? Is it worth your time and the sacrifice that you have to put in? If your WHY and your goals are big enough then you will do whatever it takes to make it work and you won't let anything stop you.

To Lazy To Become Wealthy:

The problem is that most are to lazy to become wealthy. Of course they want a lot money but only if it's handed or given to them through an inheritance, winning the lottery or some sort of big jackpot.

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Why do most want it this way because it came to easy without the blood, sweat and tears that comes along with hard work.

Usually when things come this easy to people they end up spending it just as fast as they got it. Later they end up back to where they started and then the heartache and regret soon starts to kick in.

Let's look at people like Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump and Mike Dillard who are all very consistent in what they do. But what is it that they all share? Their hard working ethics, in fact they have worked so hard that they have developed a brand for themselves which is why they have made money in several different ways.

Can you imagine them doing more in 1 day than most people do in a week. It doesn't matter what business you are in the same rule still applies hard work.

Do you think that wealth is waiting with your name on it? Sure it is but only if you are prepared to put your mind to it by doing the hard work, long hours and dealing with the battles and struggles that come along with it.

The rule of thumb is don't be too lazy to become wealthy in life. You can work hard now and live easy later on or you can live easy now and work hard later in life.

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Toshiba K Burton

Your Network Marketing Coach