I market on a Team. We have a great group from all over the world. We are all liked minded. It is great working with people who are all on the "same Page, so to speak.
I just have to share with you the power of advertising. Our group is all connected 24/7 though a Skype chat. Since we are from all over the world there is usually someone there to answer questions in real time if needed.But in the morning we usually start with the chit chat of "good morning." I have a favorite saying when someone ask, "how are you?" my response is always the same, Just like Tony...GREEEAT!
I always chuckle. I know most people will envision Tony the Tiger. The gruff voiced Tiger talking about his Frosted Flakes, telling us their GREEEAT! It is the strange questions you get from some team mates in other parts of the world, who or what is a Tony? It is a great way to break the ice with new people. More than once it seemed to bring them into the conversation and start sharing their ideas.
Many years ago I went to an insurance conference and we were left with a response to answer when someone asked, "How is business?" The response was, "UNBELIEVABLE," as enthusiastically as we could say it. That one word pretty much summed it all up. It left things wide open. "UNBELIEVABLE " could mean Great or the lowest point possible. but the idea was to give a truthful reply. But how the listener received it was another matter. I think it all boiled down to delivery.
Enthusiasm and the idea that if you say it as if you believe it to be so... it will be.
The Power of Positive Thinking.

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I market on a Team. We have a great group from all over the world. We are all liked minded. It is great working with people who are all on the "same Page, so to speak. I just have to share with you the power of advertising. Our group is all connected 24/7 though a Skype chat. Since we are from a...

We have changed his name to Tigger!

In a prior post I told you that I market on a Team and we are all connected with a group Skype chat. I have told you before that I Love Skype, I love everything about it. I especially like the little emotion icons. Remember the saying a picture is worth a thousand words, well it is true. We have ...