We have changed his name to Tigger!

Posted by Cindy Bolley
975 Pageviews
In a prior post I told you that I market on a Team and we are all connected with a group Skype chat. I have told you before that I Love Skype, I love everything about it. I especially like the little emotion icons. Remember the saying a picture is worth a thousand words, well it is true.
We have a charming gentleman on our Team, his name is Richard. What a delight, when he enters the Skype chat he just emits a gush of energy. He is so appreciative of him mentor, Bob Billings. Richard is just a bundle of happiness. The energy just pops out from his posts. It is contagious. We have renamed him Tigger. The tiger that bounces on his tail like a pogo stick from Winnie the Pooh.
In my opinion, I can't think of a better way to describe Richard. it fits him...
Just like Tony... GREEEAT!
Glad to have him as a part of our Team.