As most of you know, I am usually a really quiet person. I don't complain alot... But now I am upset...

My APSense Express has a problem.

I emailed APSense support days ago hoping to solve this issue. I never even got so much as a confirmation email back so that I knew they received my email.

I wrote a blog yesterday hoping that someone would see it and help.

What help have I received? NADA... NOTHING.......

I just want to say that I know some of the leaders of the board was on yesterday because I seen where they had visited some of the blogs that I did and I think they suck! They are so quick to delete other peoples comments and call themselves HELPERS! PLEASE!

In all reality why would I want to continue to invite people here?

Ok.. I am done now... If anyone could help me before I leave this place completely - please do!

In case you did not read my blog about my problem yesterday, It is HERE

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