My Good friend, Dr Jon Moreshead

I am sure everyone in the past few months have heard about
a dangerous almost epidemic of a insidious REAL virus..

No, not Interent Virus.

A real threat to many across all demographics

Here is quote from a Blog by my good friend and Apsense Member
Dr Jon Moreshead, of the GoodHeartGropup, Inc

"A couple of days ago my dear friend and colleague, Chuck,
in California told me that his adult son almost overnight showed
up with a case of MRSA. My Doctor brain immediately went
into "help him" mode."..........

Shucks, rather than read here, go right to the source and
read Dr. Jon's well written BLOG.

Go to Dr Jon's Renegade Commentary on our Planetary Existence

Scroll down and seriously consider the product offered by Dr. Jon.
My recommendation would be for each member have a botle of the
product in your home, in case this insidious bacteria invades your Space

The Best Defense is a well planned Offense...

How much is your Functional Health Worth?

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