October 14, 2007

How do you become a Popular member

I bet a lot of members and all our new members must wonder how they can get featured on  "THE MOST POPULAR PAGE OF MEMBERS",  perhaps we can share with all the members how this feat is accomplished.

I for one would also like to know what it takes to get your name on this page, it has a sense of accomplishment to be featured on this page.  Apsense has the ability to display you for your efforts l think and honestly believe if new members and existing members knew what it took to get featured it would provide a goal and also a benefit to all who have that desire.

The more you know the better you can be at what it takes in using all the benefits Apsense has to offer.  I think many members must have wonder this, question like what do l have to do to get listed on that page.


-If anyone has a tip for all of us who have the desire and will to learn this can you share it with us.

-Do you have to be a paying member to get listed.

-Is there a level you have to achieve before you get listed.

-How do you get listed, someone here knows that answer....

-Amount of Bolgs, articles, groups, honor points what is it.

I think we can share this and provide all members of knowing how to get posted on the "MOST POPULAR MEMBERS SECTION".............

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