Finally, a toolbar for Power Surfers

Posted by Paula van Dun
588 Pageviews

When I purchased the domain I got an idea. Of course there is a surf bar but wouldn't it be nice if there war a toolbar available with listings of TE tools, TE resources and TE rankings? There is one now!

I have installed it and can now easily access several services I am  a member off. I can quickly access services like TE command post, splash page services, my intellibanners banner rotations  and other services I use. I can quickly check the rankings of TE's. Links all open in a new window so I can work in several. I don't lose time anymore looking up the url's.

I am on top of TEnews and keep the toolbar updated by adding new promising services.

Since i also use the roboform password manager I can log in very quickly in all these services. Download your toolbar here Surf-Bar-Traffic is featured network partner (and vice versa) of a popular business network so they are included as well in my toolbar. I am an admin there in several services so I need to check in multiple times every day.

In the toolbar you will also links to great business resources that are a marketers dream. including a popular search engine and advertising program which are getting more and more popular every day. SBT is listed as a network partner so naturally we include them in our toolbar. You do not have to be a member of SBT to install the toolbar but you would make a wise descision  if you would join both.