Are You Not Beautiful?

Posted by Mohann Krish
May 20, 2011
Are you not beautiful? Are you not good-looking? Are you not confident of yourself? Are you afraid of presenting yourself in front of others? Do you move around with a mask on your face?

Sorry! It's not about you. I am not referring to you. I am asking this question to people who hide their identities at APSense!

I have come across several members' profiles here at APSense who use images of celebrities - most of whom are quite well-known. Why should anybody use somebody's photo or image? Unless, that person feels he is not good-looking or beautiful. This is my conclusion. We must realize that it is what we do that matters and not how we look. Each person is born with this and that, so be it. A person's qualities matter - you are judged by your character in the long run. The image you build up shapes your personality.

Moreover, the APSense guidelines are clear about this issue:

"Use a good photo of yourself-Don't use photos of celebrities or cartoons. We may like watching Micky Mouse on TV but we don't want to do business with him." Read the complete guidelines.

The purpose of this post is to remind violating members that with a wrong approach they are missing the main theme of APSense which is to help in BRANDING YOURSELF.

You can create a Personal Brand only if you are trusted by others. 
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Comments (17)
Dennis Reiber


The mickey mouse reference is excellent. Well said :)

Jun 10, 2011 Like it
Mohann Krish

Deb, I am referring to my latest article titled "How to Find the Real Person behind the Profile Picture?" - continuing the same topic.

May 31, 2011 Like it
Deb Simpson

Health/Fitness Advocate

I'm going to have to read a little more on that subject. It sounds interesting but I'm not quite sure how it works.

May 31, 2011 Like it
Mohann Krish

Thanks, Deb. I have gone further in researching reverse image search. Hope you like it too!

May 30, 2011 Like it
Deb Simpson

Health/Fitness Advocate

I agree that members should use their own photos. It is important, as some of the previous comments state, that we portray ourselves as open and worthy of others' trust. That is the only way we can succeed in branding ourselves and attracting serious interest from those with whom we make connections. It goes back to my article about honesty and integrity. Great post, Mohann!

May 30, 2011 Like it
Mohann Krish

Thanks, all you 'beautiful' people for the great comments. APSense is about you - us. I hope our 'celebrity' friends will appreciate the point about branding yourself and come forward with their true 'beautiful' faces which we all want to see!

May 21, 2011 Like it
Walter Pearson

REI; Internet and Social Media Enthusiast; Stock a

I definitely agree with this, Mohann - I think it's fine to present an alternate pic showing 'mood' or thrust of thought (for the day, i.e.), and go back to a personal id photo, because seeing the person behind the works works for me!

May 21, 2011 Like it
Marvin Williams

Great post Mohann

May 21, 2011 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Photos must be approved by Committed level members but all these logos etc are being approved before they show up. Mohan any time you see a celebrity photo, let me know and I will contact Wincer to remove the photo

May 20, 2011 Like it
Mohamed Tharwt Shaba...

Muslim Egyptian Pharmacist

Very good article.

May 20, 2011 Like it
Vps Malhotra

Free Lancer

Thank you for your words "I have come across several members' profiles here at APSense who use images of celebrities - most of whom are quite well-known. Why should anybody use somebody's photo or image? Unless, that person feels he is not good-looking or beautiful. This is my conclusion. We must realize that it is what we do that matters and not how we look. Each person is born with this and that, so be it. A person's qualities matter - you are judged by your character in the long run. The imag

May 20, 2011 Like it
Andrey V.


Good article Mohann !Yes, I agree that it is better to put your photo than the image .When you see a photo rather than a image, it has to trust a man understands that whoever in the photo has nothing to conceal or hide .Openness is encouraged.

May 20, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


I agree 100%. I would never do any business with a person that does not show a profile pictures from him/her self. I never approve such profile pictures either. Unfortunately I do not know all celebrities so they may slip through sometimes. Talking celebrity, it is much better to try and become a celebrity yourself an this and other networks. In the live feeds I scan the profile pictures. There are certain profile pictures I will always check out because they post good content and give good comm

May 20, 2011 Like it
Fred Mugone

Health, Wellness, e-Business

Mohann, reading your article, one word kept popping up in my mind: HONESTY. As you have rightly stated in your article, we must be true to ourselves... It is what we do that matters and not how we look. Character is what counts in the long run

May 20, 2011 Like it
Mohann Krish

Thank you, Tolu and Cynthia for your comments. Apart from what you both have said, I would also add that perhaps some people feel guilty too! This is the place for serious people who want to help themselves as well as this beautiful platform. I am planning another article on the inactive members. I want to know why after joining they haven't started appearing here. I want to know why their bio always appears as "I'll add my bio later."

May 20, 2011 Like it
Cynthia S.

Network Marketer/Success Coach

I agree.... sometimes people are afraid to show their own faces in the apsense crowd.. Perhaps others are afraid of identity theft as well, so they don't place their own photos even their own profiles to their accounts. But it is great is you are true to yourself and true to your calling :) Cheers!

May 20, 2011 Like it
Tolulope Babatunde

HCD Consultant

Thank you Mohann for this article, sometimes the insecurity and low self esteem has always been the major challenges of some. While others have nothing to worry about some are just fraudsters and will do anything to hide their true identity. Well for security reasons some do that but I'm not here to advocate for anyone. In all you do be true to thyself.

May 20, 2011 Like it
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