
Yvette Bergeron

Affiliate Marketing Distributor, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

  • City:
    Sebring, FL
I am Yvette Bergeron, mother of 4, grmom to 11, gr gr mom to 6

I got started in Network Marketing 11 yrs ago when my son found this program on the net. "Mom", he said, "can you just SIGN UP under me? You won't have to do anything else!"

Famous last words!

Here I am, 11 yrs later w/a successful business w/SFI.

Strong Future International is SFI. They've been in business in one form or another for over 20 years, so it's the oldest and most trustworthy affiliate program on the net!


  • APSense Member
    July 21, 2009

    Joined the APSense community.

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