
Wilbert Pritchett

Entrepreneur/ Inventor, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

  • City:
    Dallas, Texas
I am a person who despite falling on hard times ,believes that if you let Go and let God, their is nothing you cant achieve. I am inspired by several people but most of all by my MOM. She has shown me that even though you may feel all alone sometimes, there is a light at the end of that tunnel. I like to write and I hope this will inspire everyone who reads it. Heavenly Farther, We who are about to venture into yet another voyage down the path of life, ask that you look down upon us giving us th


  • owner/operator
    May 2011 to Present

    The coffee that pays! Bringing the Treasures of the Earth to the people of the World! A healthier choice to your daily lifestyle!! When was the last time Your favorite beverage company paid You for drinking........................ ...................

  • APSense Member
    July 1, 2012

    Joined the APSense community.

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