Contact Info
650-669-3352 -
Yountville -
I recently joined up with Business Builders Group, to learn about marketing and making web tools to help people get more money and better looking sites. We have come up with a membership site that you can join and learn as you go too, like me.
It not easy to get your website seen by lots of people, on the web but it helps
television production assitant
Jan 2008 to Nov 2015I have helped with over 200 tv shows each year as volunteer showing camera techniques, audio mixing and equalizing, switcher, charactor generator ops and tape op too.... i have been in the entertainment business over 27 years doing video taping.
My NLP Information Page
Feb 2016 to Feb 2016This site shows how to use NLP for personal and group procedures and also has the two Doctors that created NLP on it. Trying to find "Happiness" it's inside you, not something you look for in others....and how to use NLP to help others to achieve.
My Blog
Apr 2016 to PresentI just Started my newest blog plus starting my new life too i just joined up on Joe Vitali's group called 'AwakenedMillionaireAcademy' plus Shoemoney to learn WP come join me on this adventure where dreams become a reality, it's really fun and $$$
Mar 2011
What are you doing to make your writing better? Do you actually create an outline first of what you want to say before you just dump a mixture of impu...
Stephen is a great partner ... I really enjoy working with him!
Stephen recently joined me in applying APSense tools and utilities to advance his online marketing experience. He has already discovered the great...