
Usha Prabhakar

Coach, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

★ Internet Entrepreneur/Mentor/Coach... Helping Others To Create More Leads And Sales With Any Product, Service or Business Opportunity Using Proper Social Media Marketing And Relationship Building...

★ Before Becoming A Full Time Successful Internet Marketing Coach/Entrepreneur, I spent over 15 years working as a Medical Microbiologist, but I did not have passion for it nor the job satisfaction. My sincere belief is that we as a humanity are ONE. Never the less, we influence each other o


  • Social Media Branding Coach & Diabetes Management Coach
    Oct 2008 to Jun 2014

    ★ Internet Entrepreneur/Mentor/Coach... Helping Others To Create More Leads And Sales With Any Product, Service or Business Opportunity Using Proper Social Media Marketing And Relationship Building... ★ Before Becoming A Full Time Successful Inter

  • APSense Member
    April 2, 2009

    Joined the APSense community.

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