
SPC Products

Best Silver Plated Copper Wire Suppliers in India, Last online: 1 month ago

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Established in 1987, SPC Products is leading one of the best silver plated copper Wire manufacturers and suppliers in India. Silver plated copper wire is use for made out of a copper centre covered by a concentric silver plating. This material joins the upsides of copper, like the conductivity, with the splendid and sparkly surface of silver. Moreover, the silver covering gives high consumption obstruction.
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  • Best Silver Plated Copper Wire Manufacturer
    Jan 1987 to Present

    Established in 1987, SPC Products is the most trusted manufacturer and supplier of silver-plated copper wire in India. Silver-plated Copper Wires are formed by applying concentric silver plating over the exposed copper conveyors.

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    April 13, 2022

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