
Lina Nguyen

Advice: Health , Food, Grooming for Pets, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

APSense Adviser for Social Media!

Very active and popular on biz connection websites and other social networks. Like the community and appreciate all the social sharing.

January 25, 2019

Marketing Research Consultant

Huskies live 12-15 years on average, but they've been known to live longer.

December 24, 2018


Good to know about it more..!! As a veterinarian its very much good to know about animals and how best they can live and can make a better connection.

November 8, 2018

affiliate marketing

Fantastica persona,good luck ,very interising work.

October 23, 2018


Marketing es una palabra inglesa que significa en español mercadeo o mercadotecnia. Aunque tiene un uso más extendido, y ya aceptado, el vocablo inglés. Esta disciplina se responsabiliza de estudiar el comportamiento de los mercados y de los consumidores. Analiza la gestión comercial de las compañías con la finalidad de atraer, captar, retener y fidelizar a los clientes finales a través de la satisfacción de sus deseos y necesidades.

October 13, 2018

Old Retired Guy

Lina has a very interesting article here. I just returned from a road trip to Anchorage, Alaska to deliver a truck to our son and spent a few days before flying home. We attended the Alaska State Fair for a day and saw a lot of Husky's with their owners and I was impressed with not only how magnificent an animal they are, but how well behaved every one of them were.

August 28, 2018


A good Affiliate Marketing, Internet & eBusiness service provider

August 6, 2018

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  • Very active and popular on biz connection websites and other social networks. Like the community and appreciate all the social sharing.

  • Lina has a very interesting article here. I just returned from a road trip to Anchorage, Alaska to deliver a truck to our son and spent a few days bef...

  • A good Affiliate Marketing, Internet & eBusiness service provider

  • Marketing es una palabra inglesa que significa en español mercadeo o mercadotecnia. Aunque tiene un uso más extendido, y ya aceptado, el vocablo ing...

  • Good to know about it more..!! As a veterinarian its very much good to know about animals and how best they can live and can make a better connection....