Contact Info
420 581 940 066 -
Bratislava -
I am a UX designer . I am passionate about online games and enjoy creating engaging gaming experiences for users.
My goal is to design intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for our online games, so that our players can have fun in an easy and enjoyable way. I work closely with the development team to ensure that our games offer an optimal gaming experience for all our users.
In addition to designing the user interface, I also design the game flows and information architecture. I collaborate w
My goal is to design intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for our online games, so that our players can have fun in an easy and enjoyable way. I work closely with the development team to ensure that our games offer an optimal gaming experience for all our users.
In addition to designing the user interface, I also design the game flows and information architecture. I collaborate w
UX designer
May 2020 to Mar 2022Stránka SoSlovenskeKasino sa zameriava na poskytovanie slovenským milovníkom sveta online kasín odborný pohľad na svet hazardných hier na Slovensku. Recenzujeme stránky slovenských kasín, aby ste mohli urobiť informované rozhodnutie a získali čo najl
Jul 2023