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We are the largest content aggregator of Indian and International legal documents, linking primary and secondary information using the latest artificial intelligence tools. We offer over 2 million judgments from the Supreme Court, High Courts, Tribunals, and 14 International courts, over and above a comprehensive database of Central & State Acts, Business Policies, Bills, Notification & Circulars, and others.
Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Feb 1970 to Dec 2021myKase is easy to learn, simple to use and integrates with other leading-edge technology thereby allowing professionals to seamlessly collaborate, share and engage with clients and colleagues to ensure efficient delivery.
Law Office Firm Management Software
Mar 2009 to PresentmyKase is a Cloud based practice management platform designed for Legal Teams and Law practices. It provides agility, collaboration between teams, centralized access to information, streamlines processes and augments efficiency through automation.
Feb 2021