
Manisha Mehta

Senior Gold Director At Oriflame, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

I am Manisha Mehta Senior Gold Director in Oriflame. We offer you an excellent opportunity of oriflame to change your lifestyle by working from home. We offer you unlimited income opportunity which can change life of a student, working lady, housewife and also of male.

I am a pathologist by profession and student of Ruparel College . I was in search of an opportunity where I could take care of my two kids and make my own identity. I really wanted to be famous. I grabed opportunity of oriflame


  • Senior Gold Director
    Jul 2001 to Present

    I am Manisha Mehta Senior Gold Director in Oriflame. We offer you an excellent opportunity of oriflame to change your lifestyle by working from home. We offer you unlimited income opportunity which can change life of a student, working lady..

  • APSense Member
    October 23, 2012

    Joined the APSense community.

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