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His site is excellent for the developers and This is the best site for sql server developers and learners which contain complete information about sql...
I am also a professional resume writer and there are some software packages available for download from my website: Please check the...
his blog is very nice and very informative. Keep writing more posts om!!.
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Sql server interview questions and answers: Differences between ISNULL and NULLIF https://
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"THESSSCreations" is my youtube channel name. Please subscribe to this channel. Thanks in advance
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Maximum number of characters that are allowed in a stored procedure.
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sp_depends is a system stored procedure in sql server which gives all dependent objects information
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sp_tables is a system stored procedure which is used to find out the list of tables in database.
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sp_helptext is a system stored procedure in sql server which is used to find the structure of a tabl
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DDL Commands in SQL Server
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