
KD Rooban

We’re currently working on a platform that will al, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

Welcome to KD Rooban, a top social media influencer in Singapore and one of the most inspiring Instagrammers out there. No one wants to work their whole life just for money. And that's why we believe that social media influencers need to be paid fairly for the work they do. We’re currently working on a platform that will allow you to discover social media influencers that have been missed from your feed. Check it out here at -


  • Blogger & Social Media Influencers
    Apr 2020 to Present

    Welcome to KD Rooban, the platform where I, Rooban, share my thoughts on wrongdoings and aim to make a positive change with your support. As one of the top social media influencers in Singapore

  • APSense Member
    March 20, 2023

    Joined the APSense community.

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