
Mr Husam Hussain Al Sayed...

Overinvoice transaction, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

  • City:
Am Mr Husam Hussain Al Sayed , Human Recourse Manager. Emirate Bank of Dubai and Member of the United Emirate Contract Board Dubai.


  • Human Recourse Manager. Emirate Bank of Dubai
    Feb 2007 to Present

    Am Mr Husam Hussain Al Sayed , Human Recourse Manager. Emirate Bank of Dubai and Member of the United Emirate Contract Board Dubai Leading HR at the UAE’s second-largest lender by assets, Husam Al Sayed is responsible for more than 9,000 people

  • APSense Member
    April 15, 2019

    Joined the APSense community.

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  • avatarEva S.

    Husam egy aktív és tapasztalt humánerőforrás-menedzser és bankár, akit csapatvezetőként és segítőnek ajánlok, mert élvezhetjük a vele v...

  • Mr Husam is an active and experienced human resource manager and banker i recommend him as team leader and helper because we can enjoy work with him c...