IntroductionCapacitors are the most common passive components used in circuit design. Its function is to block the AC current while pass the DC current, and it also has the functio...
Introduction18650 is a lithium-ion battery, where 18 means a diameter of 18mm, 65 means a length of 65mm, and 0 means a cylindrical battery, that is, they get their name from their...
IntroductionThere are many kinds of LCD interfaces, with wide range of applications. The classification criteria mainly depends on the driving mode and control mode of the LCD. At ...
1 Basic DefinitionRaspberry Pi is actually a tiny embedded computer. It uses ARM microcontroller chip, and linux operating system or windows. It can regard as a small desktop compu...
Good day everyone, If you're a programmer, researcher, IT expert, Data Scientist, or web Developer who wants to study Databases and SQL and is seeking the finest books, courses, et...
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Created a new article.
Types of Capacitors introduction and Their Uses
IntroductionCapacitors are the most common passive components used in circuit design. Its function is to block the AC current while pass the DC current, and it also has the functio...Created a new article.
18650 Battery, 26650 Battery, and 21700 Battery Differences
Introduction18650 is a lithium-ion battery, where 18 means a diameter of 18mm, 65 means a length of 65mm, and 0 means a cylindrical battery, that is, they get their name from their...Created a new article.
Introduction to LCD Interface Types
IntroductionThere are many kinds of LCD interfaces, with wide range of applications. The classification criteria mainly depends on the driving mode and control mode of the LCD. At ...Created a new article.
Can the Raspberry Pi be used as a MCU?
1 Basic DefinitionRaspberry Pi is actually a tiny embedded computer. It uses ARM microcontroller chip, and linux operating system or windows. It can regard as a small desktop compu...Started a new thread.
What are the best online courses for learning about database systems?
Good day everyone, If you're a programmer, researcher, IT expert, Data Scientist, or web Developer who wants to study Databases and SQL and is seeking the finest books, courses, et...