Contact Info
+1.250.465.2120 -
Courtenay -
One of thee most powerful, inspiring person you will ever meet in life. We often take life as it comes...fight bad situations and embrace the good no ...
Nothing that we gain in life does us good without our health, and any money we make can disappear very quickly if we lose our health. In the end, the ...
It's nice to connect with you. You are really doing great in the health sector.
Nelson is a very good person who helps other people to be healthy. I strongly recommend him and his services.
I am impressed with sincerity and devotion of Nelson who is specializing in WELLNESS services/products, wishing him max success in his work. Highly re...
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I am currently enrolled in a correspondence course to obtain the Registered Aromatherapist / Essenti
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My AromaTouch® Technique Certificate just arrived!
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One drop of dōTERRA's Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® Peppermint Oil is therapeutically equivale..
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The orchid that my mom & her husband gave me to celebrate opening up my new office in the Zen Health
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Check out my new office space in Courtenay, BC! My Life & Wellness Coaching services are now loca
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What are your thoughts about Art Therapy? I call this one... Wheel of Time
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More Art Therapy with Sumopaint. I called this one "The Transformation of Matter Into Light"
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What is your take on art therapy? Have you tried it or do you know someone who has or perhaps teache
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Another image I created with Sumopaint...I call this one The Universal Egg of Turquoise Light
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I am now dōTERRA University Certified
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Put your passwords on speed dial!
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If you have not yet tasted the fruit of the Nopal Cactus, you are missing out on a wonderful experie
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Free Class - Introduction to Aromatherapy RSVP due to limited seating. Classes are ongoing.
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Nelson's Abundance Living Basics - 33 page report available now. Please inquire.
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This is one of the best ebooks I have produced so far - Your Complete Guide to Yoga! This is such a
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This highly informative and insightful 24 page ebook on the art of Holistic Growth Goal Setting is n
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A Peaceful Night's Rest is within YOUR reach NOW with this amazing offer. My 35 page report is the i
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Green Living & Eco Friendly Homes are within YOUR reach NOW with this amazing offer. My 35 page repo
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Nelson's Home Based Business Ideas - 22 page Work-From-Home Business Ideas ebook. If you are not wor
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New for 2014 from Your OptimumWellness Coach: "Healthy Happy You" - signed 37 page ebook for those i