Contact Info
I have a passion for helping both small business owners and consumers to both save money and generate additional income streams in this struggling economy. I've created the single solution that solves both scenarios.
I'm the creator of a unique marketing cooperative for small business owners connected to a discount card program for consumers. Are business owners not consumers also? Yes, they are. We're all consumers. Small business owners receive a card at NO COST when they sign up as
I'm the creator of a unique marketing cooperative for small business owners connected to a discount card program for consumers. Are business owners not consumers also? Yes, they are. We're all consumers. Small business owners receive a card at NO COST when they sign up as
Aug 2011 to PresentAZ Gold Marketing offers a new concept in advertising. The AZ Gold Small Biz Co-op combines the benefits of profit-sharing with the concept of cooperative advertising to deliver the best advertising platform for small business owners.
Dec 2012