
Evghenii Ads

trader, Last online: 2 days ago

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Meet Your Algo-Obsessed Guide
Hey there, market maniacs! I'm Evghenii, but in the trading world, I go by "The Code" (okay, nobody actually calls me that, but a guy can dream, right?).
Who Am I?
By day, I'm a caffeine-powered algo trading enthusiast with a slight addiction to energy drinks and a severe allergy to losing trades. By night, I'm... well, pretty much the same, because who needs sleep when the crypto market never closes?
My Trader Origin Story
Picture this: Former Wall Street hotshot turned pajama-wearing, home-office dwelling algo trader. I used to wear suits and shout into phones. Now I wear my lucky Star Wars socks and whisper sweet nothings to my algorithms.
What's My Deal?

Obsession Level: Somewhere between "mad scientist" and "kid in a candy store"
Trading Style: Algo-powered with a dash of gut feeling (usually indigestion)
Favorite Hobby: Turning caffeine into trading strategies
Life Goal: To create an algo so smart it can do my taxes and maybe run for president

Fun Facts (Because Every Trading Guru Needs Some)

I once debugged a trading algorithm while skydiving. Okay, it was in a VR skydiving simulator, but it still counts!
My dog is named Python. No, not after the programming language – he's just really long.
I have a secret talent for yodeling. It comes in handy for celebrating big wins (and annoying the neighbors).

Why Listen to Me?
Well, if you enjoy a mix of solid trading advice, dad jokes, and the occasional existential crisis about whether we're living in a simulated market, then buckle up! I've been through the trading trenches, made every mistake in the book (and invented a few new ones), and came out the other side with a profitable algo and only minor sleep deprivation.
My Trading Philosophy
"If you can't beat the market, let your algorithm do it for you while you take a nap."


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