Contact Info
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Brudge water, NJ -
I like to make a new friends and share all thinks like new updates in latest technology
like :-
Web Apps Developer
Aug 2010 to PresentI am app developer at fusion informatics ltd have so nice guidance and good atmosphere with latest trends and technology
Project Manager
Jan 2013 to Presentnow a days I am working as project manager at Fusion Informatics Ltd. with cordination with developer and own expertise
Dec 2012
hi eliz is so nice woman also i glad to meet and stay in touch with her for get knowledge of app developing thanks
Very Active on Apsense. I wish you all the vary Best Eliz.
She is a great programmer and she have very good experience of developing .NET applications. She is well updated in her field and she is very dedicate...
As an Application Developer at NJ USA, I think Eliz is the right person you have to contact if you want to be informed about new updates in latest te...
Eliz is very nice app developer at USA this is so nice my friends i like her nature and her professionalism impressive