Contact Info
217-343-5392 -
Effingham Il 62401 -
Unfortunately, there are 80 million people who can not afford to connect to the Internet. Take Action Support Free Wifi . This particularly affects Latinos, non-English speakers, people with disabilities, young people, seniors, and people with incomes below the poverty line. Shouldn’t all people have access…
I really want to thank all of you, Why “because we are a like you and I”. Lets just say I am like you , always in search for knowledge, then bamo you land on the right website
I really want to thank all of you, Why “because we are a like you and I”. Lets just say I am like you , always in search for knowledge, then bamo you land on the right website
President,CEO, Director Of Human resources,
Jan 2010 to PresentWhat Is The WiFi Club About? Johnny Wheelock, With The Combined Efforts From Club Members, uses Communications Technology, Education, Internet, eBusiness, Shopping & Reviews. being social. We target the greatest gift that can be given knowledge.
Mar 2015
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