Contact Info
Williams Lake
Deb Simpson, is a very sincere and honest and hard working woman. She is very passionate in helping people and l like her for that. She stands on what...
Deb is the kind of friend you want on your side. She can and will help you when you need help if you will let her.
Deb Simpson, is a very sincere and honest and hard working woman. She is very passionate in helping people and l like like for that. She stands on wha...
Deb is an internet entrepreneur who is involved in Business, Health & Medical, Internet & eBusiness, Marketing, Travel and any other online business t...
Deb is the ultimate professional in her industry. She is very helpful and caring.
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I was fortunate to meet Bob Proctor, world-renowned motivational speaker, at the Vemma convention in
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Meeting Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine, at the Vemma Believe Convention (2012). Picked
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My teammate, Yahong, and I got to meet Peter Francis (from Australia), one of our Vemma upline spons