
April Crihfield

Networking, Last online: 1 month ago

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Erudite polymath

Network marketing can be like an acid bath, 9 times out of 10 you will get burned. Other times you get the base(ics) and are left in a salty field on your own. April is like a 7.2 on the PH (Professional Help?) scale, just perfect to help you balance the effort with the rewards.

January 5, 2014

Mike G.

April, has a unique set of talents and skills that have yet to be fully utilized. I have been trying to bring it all out but it is like trying to get a fish to learn how to swim...there is no guideline to tell a genius to be a genius. So she is a joyful pain in the butt because I have seen very few like her in the 15+ years I have been online with the skills she has in that skull. Thanks April for allowing me to be in the midst of something big!

December 31, 2013

Online money expert

Good and informative content.I wish her good luck and I recommend her suggestions...Nice lady.

November 3, 2013

Online Business Shop Services

Good posts and most of all informative too posting good information and sharing with everyone

October 1, 2013


She is an experienced & resourceful network marketer. Recommended.

September 28, 2013


: ما رواه الحاكم عن أبي هريرة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: يخرج رجل يقال له السفياني في عمق دمشق، وعامة من يتبعه من كلب، فيقتل حتى يبقر بطون النساء أو يقتل الصبيان، فتجمع لهم قيس فيقتلها.... ويخرج رجل من أهل بيتي في الحرة فيبلغ السفياني فيبعث إليه جنداً من جنده فيهزمهم

February 25, 2013

Free Lancer

Her promptness and committment to he programs being promoted by her is par Ecellence her " Craze" for pohotography sdda spice to her profile and internet surfing that she persues I wish herall the best success in whatever she persues

November 20, 2012

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  • avatarMike G.

    April, has a unique set of talents and skills that have yet to be fully utilized. I have been trying to bring it all out but it is like trying to get ...

  • Her promptness and committment to he programs being promoted by her is par Ecellence her " Craze" for pohotography sdda spice to her profile and inter...

  • Good posts and most of all informative too posting good information and sharing with everyone

  • Network marketing can be like an acid bath, 9 times out of 10 you will get burned. Other times you get the base(ics) and are left in a salty field on...

  • She is an experienced & resourceful network marketer. Recommended.